I was talking to a lady at the store a couple of days ago. We were discussing how the store was doing and I told her that we had a lot of outdoor clothing, but I wished that we had more gear in the store - actual "stuff".
Immediately her eyes brightened, she smiled at me and said "You want gear? I got gear!"
She dragged me outside to her SUV, opened up the back hatch and "stuff" started falling out of the back.
Yeah............she had gear!
I spent a couple of hours the next morning cleaning, itemizing and researching before she came back to the store to finalize all the paperwork.
By the time it was all said and done we had:
1. Burton Ranger snowboard boots
2. Vision youth snowboard boots
3. Scott ski/snowboard goggles
4. Grabar vehicle bike rack (holds 3-4 bikes)
5. Novara wind bike trainer
6. Nordica ski boots
7. Techno youth ski poles
All of this lady's gear is in good to excellent shape and we're pleased to have it at OAR.
These pieces all make a great addition to our current inventory, and we're excited to be able to offer this outdoor gear to the community at prices that are much lower than retail!
Come check it all out!
I drive by these guys every evening on the way home from the store.
Usually they are spread out in the pasture, but the other night I was surprised to see them all congregated together, close to the fence.
Pulling my truck over to the side of the road I grabbed my camera, set my four way flashers, and then quickly walked back to take a picture of them.
Over the past few months we have seen these guys so often, and they're so goofy looking, that my husband and I have actually named them.
The white one sitting in front is Dolly Lama.
The two standing are Lenny and Squiggy.