When we opened OAR in mid-November we knew that very likely foot traffic at the store would be light for a while. Our focus during these past couple of months has been to get to know people, give folks a chance to find us (because we're a little off the beaten path), and to begin developing a good inventory of outdoor gear and clothing that people will want to buy and use in their outdoor recreation.
Happily we are succeeding in those goals. In just a short period of time we have pulled together an entire room full of rustic and outdoorsy decorative items that include plaques, statues, pottery, iron ware, wood ware, pictures and so much more.
In our main room we've got gear and clothing related to a wide variety of activities that people love to do when they head outside (including hiking, camping, skiing, road and mountain biking, hunting, photography). Tomorrow we're heading to someones' home to pick up more gear. Can't wait to see what she has!
Outdoor Adventures Revived is working hard to become THE destination for your outdoor gear needs. Let your next adventure begin at OAR!