Yesterday was a long manual-labor day.
But by the end of the day we had a wall separating the two halves of what was once a dirty and grimy and hard-working garage bay, but is now half a storage area and half a soon-to-be outdoor gear consignment store.
The past couple of days have been filled with cutting and screwing and painting and measuring Of scavenging and moving and building with wood and plywood.

As I watched LC balance precariously on wooden blocks placed on the seat of a wooden chair, I saw the drill go flying.
It dropped ten feet and the crash when it hit the concrete floor was ominous.
His beloved battery operated hand drill flew into four separate pieces and was toast.
He lived a long and worthy life. Rest in peace Makita Drill.
By late afternoon LC was sitting on a stool eating nachos smothered in some kind of nasty cheese and salsa concoction while I painted.
I got two quick coats on one side of the wall and started the wall on the other side of the doorway before totally losing interest for the day. Stick a fork in me. I was done.
Looking at these pictures I am reminded again that this store would not have happened without the support of my husband.
We didn't have a lot of money to dedicate to this idea, but LC believes in me and believes in the idea. I couldn't have started this store without his support (OK.........and his construction skills), and for both of those things I am so grateful..
It looks like I owe the man a drill, but HEY!! We have a wall!