Monday, October 15, 2012

Awesome Day!

Turning half of a garage bay into something that looks welcoming and acceptable as an outdoor gear consignment store is a BIG job.
My husband and I have been sanding and painting and staining and clear coating stuff non-stop for a few weeks now.
The other day I spent the better part of a day cleaning grease and dust and dirt off......well........every surface.
The restroom was totally nasty.  The floor was covered with automotive grease and sawdust.  The white front door was a black front door.
Guess what?  Underneath the dirt was a grey floor.
Tomorrow someone is coming to the store to give me my sale tax license.
Once the wall separating the two halves of the garage bay are up, and once the counter is finished, things will start to go fast , We're still waiting for wall mounted clothes racks to arrive so that I can start laying this place out.  Can't wait!!............

OAR has plenty of merchandise on hand right now (still stored away in plastic tubs,but that should change soon!) until consignment items start rolling in.
What kinds of gear have we got so far?  Cabela's packs of all sizes.  Other internal and external frame packs of all sizes from day to multi-day packs.  Climbing gear (carabiners, ATCs, figure 8's, climbing helmets, ascenders, harnesses).  Headlamps.  Tops and bottoms for yoga.  Bike shirts.  Bike shorts.  PFD's.  Indoor aerobic clothing (suitable for group exercise classes, spin classes, treadmill running, elliptical workouts etc.).  Swim goggles.  Name brand winter jackets.  Name brand gloves and rain jackets and boots.  Ice skates.  Bike helmets. Water bottles and water jugs.  Base layers. Hiking pants.  Fleece tops (100-300 weight).  Winter hats and baseball caps. Camo hunting jackets and pants.
Some outdoorsy decorative stuff.  Great outdoor pictures. 
Lots more!
So start digging through your closet and garage (and the floorboard of your car!) 'cause we'll be accepting gear for consignment starting November 5.
Late in May 2011 I went for a bike ride on BLM land in back of the house.
My husband and I had only been in Cody for a couple of months and although I had ridden on BLM land before, I wanted to explore outside my comfort zone and looked forward to venturing up into the hills that I could see a few miles in the distance.
It started out as a very cool and sunny day and I had planned on being out for only a couple of hours.
Seven hours later (including missing a trail on the way home and constantly running into the irrigation canal, a scary stare-down with a bull, an exhilarating stare-down with a herd of horses, two flat tires, eating a banana I had dropped in the dirt after remembering the five second rule, and a cactus spine in the butt while crawling with my bike underneath a fence) I made it home.
Awesome day!