A trip to the mountains and a friend visiting from out of state (who was chomping at the bit to hunt in Wyoming) temporarily slowed down store preparations over the past week, but I did get some cleaning done.
These pictures are what the place looked like before I finally reached for the dust mop and the broom and the Comet.
Next time I post you'll be able to see the floor!
1. OAR is accepting consignment items beginning Monday November 5 (9am-12noon M-F until opening day). Please call if those days and times don't work for you, and we'll find a time that fits your schedule.
2. The store opens for business (Yeah!) 9am, Thursday November 15
3. Our Grand Opening is Saturday November 17
Check out the links on the right hand side of the page for information on the store opening, consignment policies, rental info, and contact information!
Our website should be up and running in the next few days and when it is we'll post it on the blog.

With temperatures rebounding back into the sixties again, it is hard to believe that there is still so much snow up in the mountains.
These pictures were taken only a few days ago while heading up Chief Joseph Scenic Highway and while standing at the overlook at Dead Indian Pass.
Too beautiful!