I bought this picture while still living in Tennessee and during a time when I had begun to (semi) seriously contemplate opening up an outdoor gear consignment shop.
There have been some unexpected and trying times since I bought this picture.
I dusted and cleaned it off today while working down at the store and LC looked at me and said "We need to keep that".
It's a huge picture - maybe 3 feet by 2 feet and it IS really nice.
But we're going to try and sell it.
While cleaning off this picture I also cleaned off a number of other pictures that I have been hoarding (and leaning up against the wall in the bedroom) for a long time now.
Pictures of cowboys and wolves and horses and elk. Nice pictures. Pictures that I would want to buy if I walked into a store and saw them.
During the past few days we have begun (finally!) to find places for everything we currently have. Which is a big task in a small space!

There will be two long racks of outdoor clothing located along the wall as you walk in the front door, eight wall mounted 7-tier clothes brackets in what we're loosely calling "the picture room", and a big multi-level clothing rack (that I pulled apart and carted all the way from Tennessee) in the main section of the store.
LC built a new wall mounted rack for packs this morning, but we're gonna need another one.
Hmmmm......I haven't told him that yet.
I bought the funky wood tower (that up until now has been sitting in the middle of the room, constantly getting in the way and taking up space) at a recycle place called ReStore in Powell, and still have no idea what to do with it.
I haven't found them yet but somewhere still in boxes are a whole lot of bike locks and some of them will likely be stored on our weirdly-tower.
A climbing gear wall.
OAR is not accepting either ropes or climbing hardware on consignment (unless they are in unused condition still with tags).
I can show you a perfectly fine looking carabiner that I now use as a key chain because it fell 40 feet off a cliff. Which is why we don't accept used ropes or hardware.
We want to keep our customers safe and enjoying the outdoors, and you can't always tell just by looking, whether or not climbing gear has been handled carefully.
These pieces are mine. I haven't climbed in a couple of years, don't plan on climbing anymore and know exactly how they have been treated.
In addition to the biners, figure 8s, ATC's, ascenders and webbing in this picture, there will also be a climbing helmet and two harnesses for sale.
OAR IS accepting additional climbing gear such as harnesses, helmets, climbing shoes, chalk bags etc.
All must be in very good to excellent condition.
Packs a hangin'
More to come as we keep putting stuff out!
One small section of outdoor home decor items we'll have for sale at OAR.
We have a door!
The door separates the two sections of what was once only a grimy car bay, and what is now gradually turning into half storage and half outdoor store.
We are hoping that our outdoor consignment store is embraced by the community and that we can quickly expand to an even larger space!
Starting next Monday November 5, we will begin accepting consignment items Mon-Fri 9am - 12 noon until the store opens.
Please call if you have questions about your stuff and whether it is what we are looking for.
Please call if those hours don't work for you. We''ll accept consignments by appointment as well!
To the right of the page is a link providing info on how our consignment policies work.
In that same link is a copy of the OAR Intake Form, if you would like to speed up the process.
Simply dowload the form, fill out some of the info (contact information, item descriptions, sizes, colors etc.) and bring it with you when you come to OAR.
We'll fill out the price information for each item together at the store.
REMINDER: We Open For Business Thursday November 15.
Winter hours are Wednesday through Saturday 9am-6pm.
Watch for our ads in the next two editions of Pulse magazine!