When we first opened OAR, we wanted to get some sense as to which promotional efforts that we were using were most effective in reaching our target markets.
I used to ask people who walked in the door, how they had heard about the store.
Their answers for the first few months ran the gamut - the radio, a flier, an ad or an article in the newspaper, area on-line classifieds, regional on-line classifieds, somebody told me about you - everyone seemed to be hearing about us in a different way and no one method seemed to be more effective than any other.
It told us to just keep doing what we were doing, because the word was starting to get out.
Now (almost six months later) we are still using many of the same marketing strategies, but when I ask people how they heard about us, the answer I am receiving the most is "Somebody told me about this place so I thought I'd check it out".
Word of mouth is beginning to work, and for that we are both extremely excited and extremely gratified.
The flier above is for a Hunters Gear Swap that OAR is pulling together for the end of June.
We set up a poll on the local "guy" on-line classifieds site "Guy's Gear" asking for input on the best date that did not conflict with either other local events or hunting opening days, and Saturday June 29 was what we came up with.
There is no fee to set up.
We are looking for local non-profits interested in setting up a food vending situation. No fee to set up and it is a great way for a local organization to raise funds.
Give us a call if interested.
Because music always makes an event more fun, we're also looking for someone to set up some speakers and play some cd's. No pay offered for someone to do this, but we'll buy you lunch!
Mark your calendar.
And if you want to buy / sell/ trade / swap start digging through your stuff and pulling it all together.
We still have this Avenir Discovery bike trailer for sale.
Structurally it is sound in every way, but the blue and yellow canvas is very faded from the Wyoming sun.
A great little bike trailer at a very good price.
Other great items we have at the store right now:
Jetrak Roof Rack (48" - 75kg capacity)
Blue and white granite camp cookware. All in great condition but with no makers marks.

North Face Back Magic large volume external frame pack.
This thing is a beast ,but would serve you well if you're heading to the back country for a few days.
It is in perfect condition aside from one thing - the magic marker crossed-out name and phone number of the previous owner on an outside pocket.
Comes with pack cover to keep your pack dry in rain or snow conditions.
Shakespeare Triumph 1958 Reel
Orvis fishing vest, camo tactical vest, Columbia cotton multi-pocket fishing vest, and name brand down vests.
It's well worn but this book on knives is an interesting read.