I picked up this pair of Bauer Vapor IX youth hockey skates a few days ago.
They are Size 7, in excellent shape, and a really great pair of skates.
A young man came into the store yesterday carrying a bow and soft shell bow case.
The bow is your basic issue Bear Magnum Hunter right handed compound bow. It is in great condition and looks barely used.
He also brought in a really nice Cabela's bow case.
Both are on consignment and available for sale at OAR.
In our last blog entry I mentioned that a local professional photographer brought in two of her pictures this past week.
Nena Trapp has taken many wonderful pictures of areas throughout the western United States.
She displays her work at a photography studio here in town (and also maintains a website that displays and sells her work), so we are very lucky to have some of her pieces at OAR!
Thank you Nena for supporting our new business!
The link to Nena's website:
Examples of some of the really nice decorative items we have in one dedicated space at the store.
We have nature and wild life photography (including Nena's Yellowstone picture and a beautiful still life), metal and wood decorative items, and other interesting stuff you won't find just anywhere else in Cody.

OK.........my husband and I played "Dumb and Dumber" the other day.
I bought this clock (that says No Hunting - No Firearms, and has three "bullet holes" in it) at a yard sale while still living in Tennessee, and didn't realize until I got it home that it didn't work.
It was stored in a box for a couple of years, and when we opened the store here in Cody I hung it on the wall with full intentions of getting it working and then selling it.
Me and my bright ideas.
I bought a cheap clock at a yard sale a couple of days ago, pulled the hunting clock off the wall at the store and asked my husband to take the working mechanism from one clock and put it on the deer clock.
He's a pretty handy guy, but within five minutes of pulling clocks apart (and scattering parts and pieces all across the counter) it became obvious that parts are not necessarily interchangeable and that my bright idea wasn't such a bright idea after all.
I'll just have to go buy new clock workings, and that's what I get for being so cheap.